Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Most advanced visiting place near in Kanya kumari - Ramanathichanputhur


இயற்கை வளங்களால் சூழப்பட்ட எழில்மிகு கிராமம் எங்கள் இராமனாதிச்சன் புதூர். இது வடதென் துருவங்களாய் (Caste-wise) பிரிந்து இருந்தாலும், இங்கு வாழும் மக்கள் மனதளவில் ஒரேகுலமாய் வாழ்ந்து வருகிறார்கள். இங்கு வாழும் கத்தோலிக்க கிறிஸ்தவமக்கள், இரு புனிதர்களால் (St. Ignatius - புனித இன்னாசியார் மற்றும் St. Roch - புனித ஆரோக்கியநாதர்) ஆசிர்வதிக்கப்பட்டு வழிநடத்தப்படுகின்றனர். வளமும் - செல்வமும், கலையும் - மனிதமும், கல்வியும் - களஞ்சியமும் தழைத்தோங்கும் கிராமம் எங்கள் இராமனாதிச்சன் புதூர்.

Ramanathichanputhur is a village situated near Marungoor in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.

The village is divided into two as North and South based on the caste system. Vellalars in the north part and Nadars in the south part of the village. Vellalars are the ancient people of this village and Nadars are settled here from western side of the district, for working in Vellalar's Lands. Vellalars are converted to Christianity during 17th century from nearby villages like Marungoor, Iraviputhur, Theroor etc., and for marriage purposes they get relationship with Vadakkankulam, Kuruvinatham villages, because those vellalars are already in the faith of Christianity.

A church for Lady of Lourdes was built during the 17th century, but for some unknown reason that church was left as it is and a new church for St.Ignatious was constructed and made as the parish church. Now the Old church is renovated and an Infant jesus statue kept inside for worship.

The other part of this village is South Ramanathichanputhur blessed with Saint Roch (Arokianathar) Church attached to Ramanathichanputhur Parish. The people here are mostly Roman Catholics and this parish belongs to the Kottar Diocese. Before the state re-organisation was done, this village was the east boarder of South Thiruvithangoor.

Ramanathichenputhoor surrounded by hills (Nedumallai-east, Kathadimallai-North and Perialkullam pond-West. Via Narithondu there is Short route to Pazhavoor(Trinelvelli). It is one of the east boarder of Kanyakumari Dist.

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